Brighton Learning Center’s Learning Programs

Children’s joy and happiness is a big part of their learning. At Brighton Learning Center, we encourage them to have fun as a part of their education, with child-led activities which are adapted to their abilities and interests!

Each of our rooms have been equipped with specific materials to encourage children to reach key developmental milestones expected of their age.

Young Infants

6 Weeks to 9 Months

The theme for this classroom is communication, communication, communication! Important brain development is taking place at this age and our teachers understand the importance of constant communication with the babies in order to positively encourage this development.

While diapering, feeding, doing art and sensory, or tummy time the infants are being talked to, sung to, and read to. The communication continues with the parents through notifications through the Child Pilot app, updates at drop off and pick up, and weekly emails.

Older Infants

9 Months to 16 Months

These are our movers and shakers! Babies at this age often begin crawling, standing, and walking so time with push toys and activity tables are added to the daily schedule. Sign language begins to be taught in this room as well with basic signs such as more, eat, milk, please, and thank you. 

Of course the communication continues in this room as well with the Child Pilot app notifications and updates, emails, and annual parent teacher conferences. Milestones also begin being observed and noted in the app at this age as well to build the partnership and communication between caregiver and family.


16 Months to 24 Months

So many new things begin happening in our toddler room! The move from the infant unit to this room signifies the change from the on demand feeding and sleeping needs met in the infant room to a more structured curriculum and schedule. Our toddlers day includes circle time where sign language, body parts, colors, shapes, and more are covered through books and songs. 

Each day also includes outdoor time, art projects and small group time with puzzles, play doh, and other manipulatives.


24 Months until Potty Trained

This is a room many parents are excited about because a major milestone is worked on in here-potty training! We work with each family individually to make sure similar techniques are being used both home and at school to encourage consistency and success. 

Academically we begin introduction to letters and numbers in this room as well as early writing skills. As they are getting older they are able to participate in more hands on crafts and move to the older playground where more gross motor skills are worked on.


3 Years to 4 Years

The preschool room is a dynamic learning environment full of social opportunities through play in centers such as blocks, dramatic play, art, and science balanced with an academic program that includes letter and number of the week, phonics, Spanish lessons, and daily writing. 

The room is the first step of our preschool program and school readiness skills such as holding a pencil and using scissors are introduced here as well.


4 Years to 5 Years

Pre-K is the last stop before kindergarten so the focus in this room is to make sure that every student leaves this room more than prepared to be successful in elementary school. 

The foundation has been laid throughout our childcare and early education program from the infant room up and the pre-k year is the icing on the cake!  Sight words, journal writing, science class, and themed sign language lessons are all additions to the curriculum in this room.

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7227 N Euclid Avenue Gladstone, MO 64118

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